How to Recharge Your Mind
“The most important relationship is yourself.” -Abhishek Sharma
Are you stressed out and lacking motivation? Are you feeling disconnected in your relationships? Are you experiencing changes in your body? Maybe it’s time you hit the pause button and get recharged. This week, I want to share with you simple tricks that helped me recharge my mind. The last one works like charm! Tune in until the end to hear my bonus tip.
If you want a copy of some great meditations I use to recharge my mind, simply drop me a message on Instagram, @shakethecosmos.
02:38 Maximize Your Energy
04:00 When Do You Need a Mental Recharge
06:47 3 Steps to Recharge
09:55 Mirror Meditation
11:35 Bonus Tip
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07:55 “We all have infinite capacity. At the same time, we have to give ourselves a little bit of a time to adjust.” -Abhishek Sharma
11:10 “Look at the imperfections. Look at the perfections. And then, realize that it's just as perfect as it is.” -Abhishek Sharma
13:09 “The key to a mental recharge is you'll start to feel different and you'll start to do things that you enjoy yourself.” -Abhishek Sharma
13:54 “The most important relationship is yourself.” -Abhishek Sharma
Connect with Abhishek Sharma:
Abhishek shares his own life stories and extracting the mental models which informed his critical decisions. He is a business executive who is passionate about yoga and self-development. Abhishek received his MBA from UC-Berkeley and performs private and public speaking engagements.
Abhishek Sharma: Hi there, this is Abhishek from
I'm really excited about today's episode because I'm going to give you some secrets on how to do a mental recharge. Wait till the end of the episode where I will guide you through a quick little meditation, which works like a charm. It'll be different, and you'll be shaking the cosmos. So you have a path that works for you very quickly. Let's get into it. Are you ready for it?
So energy, do you know about energy? Not the battery energy that you put in the batteries that are cells, the energy that we all have. You have time, you have money and you have love. People say that there are some of those resources, and you have people at the same time. At the end of the day, every single thing that you're doing, I am doing everybody else is doing, using energy. When you have a job, you're doing it in exchange for your own energy, for money, for time, for resources to help a company, to help yourself if you're self employed. So how can you maximize this energy? While this episode is going to talk about that, it also, so you can have more energy for your relationships, or yourself. Eventually, just for yourself. So what is it that we're going to talk about? We're gonna talk about mental recharge.
So what is a mental recharge? A mental recharge is essentially a way for you to recharge your batteries. When your car in the winter time stops working or starts on the side of the road just goes, you know? Well, what if you imagine your body, mind and soul like that when it's winter time, or if it's just any time and you start to feel down. And that's the key. So when do you need a mental recharge? That's a really good point. So when do you need it? Number one, well, the first thing is self. So for example, in my relationship with my partner, I noticed that I was getting just a little bit more cranky. That means I'm cranky in general. But what I mean is, I was getting a little bit of a cranky person and I felt like I was sharing those feelings with my partner. At the same time, there wasn't really any valid reason for them.
So for example, I like to do these hard checkins where I would ask my partner, hey, how are we doing on a scale of zero to five? And she said, we're doing fine. And I'm like, like we're at four or five? And I was like, oh, we're at like a negative two. So there were these disconnects that could happen. And again, it's all in the mind sometimes. So that could be like a takeaway. So think about that. What are you doing? How are you feeling? And really notice those feelings, because remember, you have control of those feelings.
The second thing you can do is we are friends. Listen to your friends. So if a friend tells you something and they have been seeing you constantly struggle through something, and they're looking after you. So in my example, I have a friend Pilar. She lives in the same house as she's my neighbor. So she checks in with me and she's like, hey, Abhishek, you might need a retreat, or something seems like you've been doing a lot lately. So notice that.
So when do you need it? Number one, just in your partnerships and relationships, notice your feelings. Second, notice if your other external, somebody else from outside, your friend, or someone is telling you what you might need. And then finally, the third one, and it's an easy one, your physical body. Look at it and see how you're doing. Maybe you've lost some weight, maybe there's some changes going on, maybe some hair is growing, maybe nails are growing, you just noticed those changes. And maybe there's some neglect going on of your own body. While remember, in yoga for example. Meaning of yoga is the union of body and mind. So what happens? You think that if your body goes down and the mind is trying to stay up, keep up. Well, eventually, it creates an imbalance. And that's why we're chatting today. So this is how you start to feel when you need a mentally charged. When you feel this imbalance, your relationships are suffering. Your friends are telling you, hey, this is something you might need. And then you're also noticing physical changes happening in your body.
So what are three ways that you can just fight this mental recharge, or mental need for a recharge and get into it? So number one, step number one is recognize it. So recognize it that you need a mental recharge. And that is so important. For example, you're trying to solve a problem and you don't know what the problem is. What are you going to solve for them? So in my case, for example, I usually teach a yoga class once a week. And all of a sudden, I became popular. So there was a week where I taught three yoga classes, one open house, and a workshop on top of it all. And guess what? I had to look at my calendar like, hey, before, I was teaching one class. Now, all of a sudden, there's three or five commitments happening. So if you have a Google Calendar or any type of tracking mechanism, notice these visual changes, notice how your calendar all of a sudden is starting to grow. And it might be okay, you have infinite capacity. I believe that we all have infinite capacity. At the same time, we have to give ourselves a little bit of time to adjust. The car doesn't just go from like 0 to 60, like, instantly. Well, I guess there are Tesla's that go really fast. But you see, it takes a few seconds. So give yourself that few seconds where you're just thinking and relaxing.
I'll talk about what are the ways you can actually start to practice mental recharge. And the number one is just to, first, recognize that you need it. And again, it is so important that the first step is recognition. So number two, your friends and support system, or reach out to them. So when you feel that imbalance of mind and body, reach out to your friends and support systems. And that is so important. So in my case, for example, I reached out to my friend, Ahmed, I reached out to my friend Maria, I reached out to my friend Pilar. And all it took was really, just one on one meetings. And for example, my friend Maria couldn't get on to meet in person, but we got to talk on Zoom. So you might have friends, they're far away, have a Zoom call with them. And that might be important. Because sometimes, you just talk to someone that is just a good listener, they know how you feel, and they'll be there for you.
For me, for example, it's just helpful to talk out loud, if you might be that kind of person. So who is someone in your life that can nurture you when you need a mental recharge? You have that person. And of course, there's professional resources as well. So if you have access to social support services, or social services like therapy and things like that, that is also a good idea. Just reach out to friends and see how you feel. And then finally, have a conversation with yourself. Really check in with yourself. And I'll talk to you about that. Just for one trick I use, really, it's a very simple trick, man. Don't call me crazy, but go in the bathroom, look at the mirror and just be naked. First of all, look at the mirror and look at yourself, start looking at yourself from head to toe. Notice all the changes. Really, this is called a mirror meditation. So this mirror meditation is essentially going to, you're doing a check in with yourself. And as you look at your physical body, you'll start to notice, what are the changes?
So for example, when I looked at myself, I noticed, oh, wow, my hair is really grown out. So then you're looking at your face and you're like, oh, maybe there's some changes happening. And then maybe you're looking at your neck, and then you're looking at the rest of your body and maybe notice some imperfections, and maybe some perfections. And then you eventually realize that this is you. This is your whole whole body, this is who you love. And this is a beautiful, amazing meditation. Usually, we look at the mirror and we're like trying to beautify ourselves and just moving on, or just making sure we look perfect. Well, this is an opportunity to look at the imperfections, look at the perfections and then realize that it's just perfect as it is. In a way, a third beautiful way to recharge, to do a mental recharge.
So these are some of the ways, number one, recognize it. And number two, reach out to friends and use mirror meditation. And I'll throw in a bonus one, here's a bonus one. Again, it might not be available to everybody. But if you have access to a different environment, number four is really change the environment you're in. So my partner and I, we live together in a city lifestyle, and everything's accessible. We go out to restaurants, eateries, everything's really close to us. At the same time, when I needed a mental recharge, I went outside the city. So I reached out to a friend, I was like, hey, can I crash at your place that you have in the desert? And its nature and it's beautiful. And he let me crash there. So these are types of things when you do a change of environment. It does wonders.
And let me tell you what is happening inside, you really start to just collect yourself. So instead of thinking about what's going around you, there's this energy that shifts. All of a sudden, you have some empty space to start to think about who you care about, what you think about, what are your problems, and these types of things. And eventually, you'll notice that you become more full of energy.
So now, what do you feel after a mental recharge? Let's say that you change the environment, you've talked to your friends, you're recognizing it, you've done these bonus mirror naked meditations and you're like, have I done recharging? Am I at the full level? Well, the key to a mental recharge is you'll start to feel different, and the trick is you'll start to notice things about yourself. You'll start to do things that you enjoy yourself.
For example, I'm recording this podcast, and that is something creative. You have an outlet so you might notice, oh, you're really paying attention to what matters to you. And that, again, is beautiful because it is not selfish, because people who love you will see that and they'll actually appreciate that you're spending time on things that you love and create.
Remember these tricks because this is something that will help you gain more energy in your relationships, in your career and your work. And just eventually, the most important relationship is yourself so it'll get you more energy there.
Thank you for listening. And if you want a copy of some meditations that I've been doing to do mental recharges myself, Kundalini Yoga Meditations, send me a message on Instagram, on Shake The Cosmos, that's S-H-A-K-E-T-H-E-C-O-S-M-O-S.
Again, what are you doing? Go ahead and do a mental recharge. First, check in with yourself and change the environment. Go to friends and support systems, and do the bonus mirror meditation if you're really up for it. Let me know what you think of this episode. If you really enjoyed it, send me a message, DM, Shake The Cosmos, or give this episode a rating.
Thank you again for listening. Hope you're having a wonderful time wherever you are in the world.
shakethecosmos.comThe Artist's WayInstagramshakethecosmos.comShake The Cosmos