Literally Living My Dream Life!
“Believing in yourself happens with taking action.” -Abhishek Sharma
What does your dream life look like? Whatever it is, you can make that dream come true! Join me as I share with you 3 things that helped me to LITERALLY live my dream life. Plus, a bonus tip at the end of this episode! Believe in yourself. Trust me, it’s your biggest asset.
02:30 Daydreaming or Reality
05:03 Key #1- Build a Support System- The STC Way!
08:34 Key #2- The Down Things
11:00 Key #3- Believe in Yourself
12:35 Bonus! Create a Space Without the Void
02:31 “The difference between daydreaming and the reality has for me, reduced to nothing.” -Abhishek Sharma
08:29 “Real friends will come out of the woodwork and help you out.” -Abhishek Sharma
11:01 “Believing in yourself happens with taking action.” -Abhishek Sharma
Connect with Abhishek Sharma:
Abhishek shares his own life stories and extracting the mental models which informed his critical decisions. He is a business executive who is passionate about yoga and self-development. Abhishek received his MBA from UC-Berkeley and performs private and public speaking engagements.
Abhishek Sharma: Hi everyone, this is Abhishek, your host from Just want to say that Shake The Cosmos is a global community and a platform where you will hear inspirational stories from entrepreneurs and average Joe's people just like yourself who have overcome hardship to achieve their dreams. These stories are guaranteed to inspire you to take action, to take the next step, to take the leap of faith towards achieving what matters to you in achieving your greater mission in life. So don't miss out on the future episodes. Hit that subscribe, or follow button, please, please, and give this episode a rating. That'll help me up on the organic search results. Thank you so much.
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“The difference between daydreaming and the reality has for me, reduced to nothing.” -Abhishek Sharma
Hi there, this is Abhishek from Thanks so much for tuning in. And if it's your first time, please hit the followers subscribe button. I'm really excited about today's episode because I'm going to tell you how I feel. I feel that I'm literally living my dream life right now. I tell people, hey, the difference between daydreaming and reality, the gap in between the two for me has really reduced to nothing. How did I get here? Do you also feel that way? Well, leave that in the comments below. Or if you're listening, send me a message through DM on Instagram, shakethecosmos. And again, please give this episode a rating. That helps me out in the organic search results. If you're on iTunes, you just hit the rating button and you're able to give it stars.
So how am I literally living my dream life? Well, just a few days ago, just last week, whenever, it was my birthday and I was surrounded by amazing people. A girlfriend, a really good friend and another really good friend. Also, all these events were being planned for me, I barely had to do something and nothing. I barely had to do anything. There was skydiving being planned. There was rock climbing. I was given a private cabana. And all this stuff was happening here in Abu Dhabi, Middle East and I'm just like blown away by this amazingness that's happening around my birthday. I'm like, wow, I'm literally living my dream life. Literally, my girlfriend spent almost 13 hours making a cake. My reaction was like, oh, my god. How did I get here? How did I design a life where I just felt really, really supported, and really, really loved. And for me, let's just go one year back. When you're back, I was in San Diego. I owned a house by the beach. I used to have really, I even hired a designer at one point to decorate the home. I used to get together in that house. He saw a bunch of furniture and really cool things, and yoga stuff and things. Community, I felt like there was a community I was part of. Then fast track, have sold the home. Have no more belongings really, and it's like crazy. Because literally, I tell people, I have 30 things, I could put them in a checklist and that's all I have now. So how did I get here, and what really helped me get there? And if you're thinking right now, start to think what is your dream life looks like? And I think part of it is, I think I've learned two or three key things that I want to share with you. And maybe that helps you or maybe that don't.
But for me, I think the number one thing that helped me get here is my support systems. Honestly, even when I just moved, sold my stuff in San Diego and donated most of my things. I reached out to a friend of mine and I let him know like, Hey, man, it's a really weird feeling that I no longer have a home. That I no longer pay rent. And he was like, Well, if you ever need a home, you have mine. And that kind of stuff. The friends are just looking after you. And true friends, just saying that is so meaningful. It just made me even more powerful. And what are the support systems? I mean, I think about support system, the Shake The Cosmos way, which is you think about water, water being the most, most, most powerful one of the forces. So who's around us? That's like water that could mentor us, and that could be flexible.
So do I have people in my life that are like that? What about like the sun? Are there people in my life that are bold and strong? Are they inspiring me to do that? For example, I used to have, I had a work meeting one time, and I have a bold, my son's mentor was like, oh, make sure to keep the emotions out of this meeting. And that was good advice, and that helped me out quite a bit. So that's like water, who's your water? Who's your son? And then going on, let's see who's your, what else we got here in the nature? We got sun, we got water, we got rain, who's like the person that just brings it down, just pouring down on, just speed all these things? Who is that? Who is that for you? And maybe, maybe you don't have some of these mentors and support systems in your life. And maybe it's time to build that up.
Then there's the wind. I think about what are the people in my life who are just fast. We'll just go through things, it's connectors. When there's a connector, so who are my connectors? For example, I came to Abu Dhabi and I barely knew anybody. I met a person called Pillar. She's been a huge connector for me, and I'm people tell me, Oh, you've been in Abu Dhabi for only two months, it feels like, or have done things that people haven't done for like, who have lived here for like two to five years. So again, a connector, having a connector. So who's your bold person? Who's your connector? Who's your flexible? Who are some of these individuals in my life?
“Real friends will come out of the woodwork and help you out.” -Abhishek Sharma
And I really, really, people tell me that I have a lot of mentors in my life. I just signed up for a leadership coach, and that is something I will benefit from. I think that was key having a support system before taking the plunge or before creating a design to my quote unquote dream life. It was just really, really helpful. So number one, of course, visualize your dream life. But then number one really have a support system because your friends, and your family, and your people that love you, if they're not there for you, they might not be your friends. But the real friends will come out of the woodwork and really help you out.
And the number two thing is the down things. What do I mean by that? The things that didn't go so well last year. Somebody asked me just recently, my leadership coach actually has like, so what are some downs last year? And I tend to be super optimistic. I barely think about that stuff. It was good to know like, okay, well, I was my company did restructuring, and I was no longer employed full time. That was a big down for me. I was doing Shake The Cosmos. I was supposed to do workshops with like over a hundred people in a big, amazing venue in Downtown San Diego, near North Park, San Diego. And that couldn't happen because of COVID. That was another down for me. At the same time, if you know a little bit about me, I grew up in India. I moved from India to the US and I realized that I saw a lot of hardship.
And whenever I'm saying faced with an obstacle, compare it to my experience in India and how the experience was as an immigrant in the country. And to me, at that point, the obstacle doesn't feel as bad anymore. So in some ways as I think about it, think out loud a little bit here. My hardships, the downs that I felt, almost felt like there were bumps in the road. At the same time, they opened up new doors, new windows and new opportunities. What are some downs that you might have had this year? And maybe you are still down in or experiencing some of these, because it's hard when you're down to actually think about what is the head, and I think, was something that one of my friends recently told me is like telling him, one door closes, another opens. He was like, you know what? One door open, one door closes. Sometimes, the window freaking opens. I mean, think about that. So what are some doors and windows, and god knows what our tunnels available to you. So that's a number two. So number one, if you've got a plan, you've got to dream. Number one is support systems, having that support system. Number two, is really, really, really important as well, which is just looking at the downs, and then just comparing to your own framework of fighting. Fighting, surviving. Oh, man.
“Believing in yourself happens with taking action.” -Abhishek Sharma
And then number three, number three is just believing in yourself. How does that happen? I think it happens with action, like taking action, taking action when that matters. So for example, I think the world is abundant. The resources will show up for you when you take action. So for example, thinking about the potential to move out of the country to start traveling full time. And then there appears my friend, Julio. And he's like, hey, man, I'm looking for a place to rent. And I'm like, you can live in my apartment in San Diego. And next thing, it's rented to him. And then he starts to help me with some of my storage needs. He helps me pack my stuff. He helps coordinate the move to the storage for all this stuff happening. And I'm taking action, I'm taking decisions, and I'm not just like holding back. And then next thing you know, I'm in Sharjah in UAE and my uncles are like, well, how come you're paying like 70 bucks per month on your storage? How come you don't just sell it? And I'm like, wow, I should do that. So next thing, who is helping me donate and sell some of this stuff? Just angels appear in your life when you take action?
So again, what did I say, support systems, you taking action and then really, really noticing the bumps in the road, not just the upsides. And that is why, and I think how I got here. And I think we know, all throughout all this stuff, what I've realized is, I've removed a lot of anchors in my life, and created a lot of space. Some people might say, almost like created space for unconditional love. I used to say people, I want to be in a place where people come and go in my life. They feel loved, but I don't feel a void. I think part of that comes from, I love myself. I feel supported just by myself, and I'm comfortable in my own skin. And it took time to get there. I think that's important. Well, that's my takeaway. I think taking away some anchors, taking away things, some things from my life, created space for new things, experiencing new adventures. So what are some things that are maybe it's not even toxic. Just like an old shirt, old underwear, old earring, whatever it is.
Why don't you, this week, look at maybe letting it go and just see what happens. I think magical things can happen. So without further ado, just want to share that with you. The question I have for you is, what is a life that looks for you, that is like the dream life? What is that for you? Why don't you just take an opportunity to write that, journal that. Take two to three minutes just to write that out for yourself. I've done that before, and it's powerful. It's a powerful practice. All right. Well, thank you so much for tuning in. Have a great rest of the day, night, wherever you are. Thank you